Amazon Herb Company is a direct sales company offering nutritional, weight loss and skin care products featuring natural ingredients from the Amazon rainforest. Amazon Herb Company’s mission is “to help the world recognize the healing values of the living Rainforest." Amazon Herb Company not only imports all natural herbs from the rainforest, but also donates a percentage of its profit every year to help the people of Peru receive an education, obtain land, and further protect the Peruvian Rainforest
Percentage Change compared to the last sampling period.
View top 50 GainersThis rank displays where Amazon Herb Company ranks in our public interest database against all other MLM companies and home based businesses in our current profile. Amazon Herb Company position in our index ranks them at 51.71% home businesses actively tracked in our database.
This rank displays where Amazon Herb Company ranks in our public interest database against all other MLM companies and home based businesses in our current profile. Amazon Herb Company position in our index ranks them at 411 home businesses actively tracked in our database.