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Because Cosmetics

Because Cosmetics is a better kind of beauty brand. We are revolutionizing the cosmetics industry to speak to what really matters: the power of every woman to make a difference, and every woman right to beauty on her own terms. Our brand affiliates and ambassadors are working to make the world a better, more beautiful place by providing cosmetics of the highest quality and supporting the causes that matter to them. With each sale, a portion goes to a non-profit nominated and selected by our ambassadors. Because -- we can not make a difference if we simply sell products. Because cosmetics is currently in Pre-Launch! Our success team is currently building a strong foundation for our beauty revolution! If you are a leader and are interested in more information please reach out to me!

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Because Cosmetics Internet Popularity Percentile Rank: #99.46

This rank displays where Because Cosmetics ranks in our public interest database against all other MLM companies and home based businesses in our current profile. Because Cosmetics position in our index ranks them at 99.46% home businesses actively tracked in our database.

Because CosmeticsInternet Popularity Percentage: 99

This rank displays where Because Cosmetics ranks in our public interest database against all other MLM companies and home based businesses in our current profile. Because Cosmetics position in our index ranks them at 99 home businesses actively tracked in our database.

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